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  • 01 Aug 2022
  • Source : WAM

14th Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Championship hits record registration numbers

Jiu-jitsu practitioners from around the world are signing up in record numbers for the 14th Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Championship (ADWPJJC), one of the greatest events on the international sports calendar, that will take place at the Jiu-Jitsu Arena in Zayed Sports City from 11th–19th November.

Since registrations started in February, the competition has seen a high demand from world champions to participate in all categories. Nearly 1,000 players from 30 nations demonstrate the tournament's rapidly expanding global presence.

Registration for the ADWPJJC is open until November, giving participants the chance to sign up, start preparing, and step up their training leading up to the event's launch date. This will ensure that participants can showcase their talents in front of Abu Dhabi's engaging audience.